

Did you know that I could knit?

Another of my weak tea successes.

When my mentally ill readers are not either reading my blog or taking their anti psychotic pills they may be knitting all alone in their unheated homes.

I can knit!

My grand mother taught me to knit when I was five years old.

I learned how to read a pattern, knit socks, knit Intarsia, knit a sort of free form, improvised Fair Isles technique.  I knitted myself an Aran sweater.

I pride myself for knitting intuitively and not having to follow a pattern.

Spent the day at the farmers market.  Farmers market folk seem to be very nice people indeed.

Here’s something I knitted earlier:

[wpvideo 74j2U8XU]

3 replies on “Knitting”

So Sorry to hear about your friend, tragic.
Wow, Duncan, you really are a multi talented person!
that sweater is lovely, the colors have to cheer a person up when wearing it.
I am teaching 2 little kids to knit and sew, I think it is good for the soul to create with your hands and mind. To think you knit Intarsia without a pattern, that is impressive. You could be the next Kaffe Fasset.
Well done you!
PS. i come from Rowan Yarn country Holmfirth (last of the summer wine?), their stuff is fabulous,they started in a weavers cottage weaving and spinning yarn, look at them now!

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