
Moving Forward

At least I know I’m still alive…that’s the one great thing about post-breakup anger.

You want him dead…well, maybe suffer some agonizing disfigurement…you can’t say his name without spitting it and you want to harangue every happy couple you see on the street. Not very nice, but it beats being numb and limp.

Rage gives me edge, keeps my blood pumping, gives me a reason to get up in the morning. In fact, we live in a culture that encourages us to express our anger; doctors and therapists agree that repressed anger hurts our psyches and bodies. We’re supposed to let it out.

But raw, primal rage has its limits.

So we smash every plate in the kitchen and rip up every last picture of him-all we’re left with is a mess. Cathartic but not constructive.

Moving forward is what we ultimately want to do.

One way to start is to acknowledge the anger and fantasize revenge, and then forgive yourself for feeling that way. You’re allowed these feelings- you’ve lost so much, and you’re so tired, disappointed, and wounded that you want someone else to hurt.

Reveling in rage can give you the will to live again…but clinging to anger only warps your own heart. You have to move beyond anger if you want to recover completely, that is, if you want to become a trusting, caring person again.

4 replies on “Moving Forward”

You learn, after a while you learn the subtle difference
between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
and you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning
and company doesn’t mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts
and presents aren’t promises, and you begin to accept
your defeats with your head up and your eyes open
with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child,
and you learn to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you
get too much. So you plant your garden and decorate your
own soul,instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure. That you really are
strong. And you really do have worth. And you learn. And learn.
With every good-bye you learn.

Author unknown

holy night Duncan Roy~

I popped onto your blog just now to see how you’re doing and I CANNOT believe that the very post I’m reading appears to be about that effing sociopath guy you dated for a SMALL amount of time!!! ???
Seriously Duncan darling…please stop appeasing his massive ego!
If this post is about JB and I am right…you are WASTING precious time & energy writing about this jack pot not.

I can’t stand to scroll down and read anything else.

I just wanted to see that you were o.k
as the last time I checked your blog~ you were headed
for an operation.

My best wishes for you this holiday!

I have mainly delighted in your presence via anonymous cyberspace land and I just can’t stand your obsession with Mr. Jerk off face.

o.k good luck and cheers!


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