Dogs Hollywood


Darling Big Dog

7am started packing.  The apartment very quickly unraveled.  The paintings came off the walls, the books from the shelves.  I made a pile of things that I am sick of dragging from place to place with me.  NO MORE DEAD WEIGHT.  That means no more people or things that I carry around just for the sake of it.

A tidal wave of resentment hit me this morning.   Remembering the ‘we were both very vulnerable when we met’ line from Jake’s letter.  I was far from ‘vulnerable’, I was riding the recovery wave.   He was vulnerable, trapped in a meaningless relationship that he was too much of a coward to get out of.

What singularly pisses me off is that he deliberately hunted me down to exploit my specific vulnerability: bi-curious men.    He watched me on TV spew my guts about my triggers then offers me the equivalent of crack to a crack addict all under the guise of being a lit agent.

When he realized that he was way in over his head he told me that all he ever wanted was something ‘shallow and meaningless’.

I used to care what he was up to.  Now, I don’t give a fuck.

I don’t care what he’s doing.  He can snort poppers, get banged senseless both ends by multiple partners but of course he’ll never be happy until he’s made his peace with her.  Indulgent FREAK.  Good luck with that one Jake.  His fantasy:  they could live together as friends.

Getting my needs met.

I chatted with some guy who wanted a date.  I told him straight:  we can have coffee but if you have no conversation I will be leaving in ten minutes.  I am sick of bland, unsophisticated men who expect me to be interested in their miserable pathology, their dull life story and their appalling disinterest in the world.  More reasons NOT to be in any kind of relationship.  I don’t care how big your cock is…if you don’t have anything to say you can fuck off back to where you crawled from.

As I deconstruct the apartment of course I remember the big dog.  She really didn’t like Hollywood preferring Malibu and her life in the country.  She was such a bloody good dog and as I write this HUGE tears well up in my eyes and splash onto the laptop.

We both miss her so much.

She is something worth missing, not some trashy, popper snorting, closet queen from Westchester.

15 replies on “NO MORE DEAD WEIGHT”

Well your just wide open and a broken mess.
Hmm what to do.. What to do…
Sometimes it seems your life is like being alone in your room and throwing things about.
Eventually you will need to put it all back in order. Kick scream tantrum.. Order.


I’m so sorry about your pain in remembering your sweet Luna. I think that she would be happy to know that you are going to make a go at living in the place that she loved so much. Where the wild things are. The raccoons, coyotes, owls, rattlesnakes and hummingbirds.

Sometimes, getting rid of physical things allows us to feel less burdened psychologically. It’s also a feng shui technique for bringing more abundance into your life — along with being grateful for what you have of course. Something about how a cup can only be filled if it’s empty. Or a hand that’s grasping something, cannot reach and hold anything else. And of course Grace flows to us when we’ve been emptied. May you be blessed with Grace. May Light and Love surround and fill you.

As for the person who is anathema… good on you for allowing yourself to feel your feelings and be angry. I’m fairly placid by nature. I get wanting to have peace and acceptance and to forgive people but you have to let the anger run it’s course and honor it, not by acting out — although, dammit, it’s understandable — but by not trying to put a cap on a volcano that needs to vent in order not to explode. Anger is trying to give us a message. We need to listen. Trying to force yourself to let go of anger before it’s run it’s natural course is insulting to your psychological well being. And I think that the time that it takes to cool down is different for everyone. It’s also not good to nurse injuries as I’m sure you know. You will let go and will forgive and forget in your own good time. I know that right now you want peace in your life but part of being human and healthy — which is of paramount importance for you now — is to feel the unpleasant, shamed, “ugly” feelings. You will come to balance soon enough. *Metal Rabbit, with permission, gives Duncan a big hug* We’re in your corner, dude. Float on. 🙂



Duncan – yes, exactly, as to all of your assertions in this post. You have my affirmation (for what it’s worth) of your clarity. Domestic animals have much to teach us by their benign example. Recently, Roger Ebert stated on his blog (and he follows you BTW) that if you want a spiritual lift, watch the film “Au Hasard Balthasar” on Netflix streaming. It’s the life story of a donkey whose gentleness, service, patience and benign orientation is in stark contrast to the human cruelty around him. However, please have a box of tissues at hand. This film is a deeply touching and healing experience. My best, L


Sweet Big Dog died a little over a year ago in June. Put “One Year Ago Today” in the search engine (make sure that you use the quotation marks) and you will read what Duncan wrote about what happened.



Duncan, Duncan, Duncan what are you doing?

I wrote this comment in response to your more recent Sept 6th post entitled George Clooney/Whitstable containing yet another diatribe against Jake – a particularly vile one at that (and one I am sure George did not want to have his name associated with), but by the time I went to submit my comment, you had taken the post down – wise move, so I am posting my comment on this older post.

Duncan, for your own good, you’ve got to stop trying to destroy and humiliate Jake, his girlfriend and his family with this blog. With every embarrassment you heap upon him by exposing him in such a public way it speaks much more to your unhealthiness and cruelty than any hurt you feel he caused you. No good will come of it.

I don’t know Jake, you or anyone else in your world. I began reading your blog (and Jennie K’s) last December after celebrity rehab aired to see if you would embrace your recovery and transform your life. I never cease to be inspired by people can overcome tremendous pain and trauma and build a happy life for themselves, as Jennie is doing.

In January, a red flag appeared when I read about your meeting Mr. Darling NYC as it seemed way too soon in the recovery process, given your history, to establish a healthy relationship with someone ready and able to give. And by the third week of January your words revealed that indeed Jake, a man in crisis, dealing with the torment leaving his girlfriend of seven years, coming out, wanting to experiment as a newly out gay man, was not going to be someone you could have a healthy satisfying relationship with. You seemed on a slippery slope back into addiction as you obsessively continued on with him (as you yourself said, this time in the form of a “love addiction” rather than a “porn addiction”).

You couldn’t possibly have wanted a real relationship with him because he was clearly not available. Early on he told you repeatedly he wanted to be with other men, even recounted his experiences with others and further angered you by partaking in recreational substances far too often for your comfort. So I don’t understand the rage and the claims of betrayal that underpin your continued savaging of him, his reputation and his family so publicly. Where is the authenticity in this? It is just cruel and undignified and more a testament to the state of your unhealthiness than his. You can never take these things back – they are all over the internet for all to read now and his full name still appears on your blog, in big print no less. You have effectively destroyed his reputation professionally (any time someone who is considering having him represent them googles him, they will read all this – and see the pictures), and it’s bad enough that you are using this blog like an AK-47 to try to mortally wound him, but you are firing indiscriminately creating a lot of collateral damage, taking down his girlfriend, family and friends who did nothing to you. I am sure there have been serious ramifications for him as a result of what you have done on these pages. No doubt you wanted this.

I have some compassion for the hurt you feel – even though you brought a lot of it on yourself. But that compassion is tempered by the fact that you could have walked away from him so many times early on when he was clearly not going to be able to give you what you said you needed. Why didn’t you just tell him you were looking for more and be done with it. Why keep going to New York to see him when you were so frequently disappointed and then take him on a trip with him to Europe – when by that time you had all the evidence you needed that he was who he was – it was you who chose to deny the facts and set yourself up for disappointment after disappointment. If you want to be authentic, be honest — you tried to make the relationship into something it was not. You used the blog to cajole, romance, provoke, control and punish him. Then when he decided enough was enough you turned your full public fury on him and embarked on a course of sustained public flagellation.

You should have known when you harshly shut Jennie out because she saw you vulnerable and honest about the immense pain you were in when you lost the big dog, that you had much work to do before you could embark on a relationship. You punished Jennie both publicly (sniping at her in the blog) and in your personal relationship because she saw you at your core – something I am sure only made her care about you more and feel more closely to you, since one is at their best when they are vulnerable, not their worst.

Now with Jake, instead of expressing your pain and rage at him privately, you are on a rampage to destroy him because you felt vulnerable with him. Why continue to demean yourself by spewing such public venom that seems to have no end, when you could just stop! Why inflict the brutality that was once so unfairly visited upon you on others? Who is ever going to want to get close to you if this is what they can expect if they don’t live up to what you want from them?

Put all your energy into aggressively getting yourself healthy physically, financially and emotionally. You are clearly in the throws of addictive behavior and in deep denial about your role in it. It doesn’t seem like group therapy has helped you. Think about intensive one-on-one therapy. Think about not blogging for a year, not dating for a year, focus that energy on getting healthy and working creatively or just working so you don’t have so much time on your hands.

I can’t imagine any good will come if you continue down this road of destruction and self delusion. If you truly do have 210,000 readers of this blog I am sure a many of them are as uncomfortable as I am watching you flail out of control or maybe it is a case of gawking at the aftermath of an accident. I have waited for someone call you on the vengeful way you have been dealing with things, but you seem only to have a very small coterie of regular commenters who pat you on the back and give you support no matter what you do (or maybe you simply don’t print the critical comments. It does seems odd that there are so few comments for a blog with 210,000 readers).

I feel as though I been watching someone banging their head against a wall and now there is blood dripping from the wound and they are complaining about the pain. You need to stop. I’m sure there have to be some people in your life telling you this. Listen to them, take responsibility for your actions, get some help and stop acting out. I truly hope for your sake you find a way to get to a better place.

Yes. You are right.

Everything you say is right. Whoever you are.

I took it down because I am being vile. I found great comfort in your words.

As for 200k + visitors…that’s since I started the blog.

So, very sad..thanks. Thanks.

Tres Triste,

Thank you so very much for the grace of your soul and the eloquence of your words that got through to Duncan . Namaste.



The mark of a real man is one who sees fault for what it is & then takes the necessary actions to keep it from being repeated. And sometimes just maybe, it’s easier to be angry & hate as opposed to love & have compassion, even if it’s against your own desires.

Duncan &Tres Triste,

Wow. Tres Triste and Ron are totally on target as you said. I couldn’t have said anything better. And I agree. I would only add one thing in your defense. I think that we all can understand the impulse to annihilate an ex and it’s hard to recognize our part in a folie a deaux. However, I believe you when you said that Jake pursued you and told you that he loved you. And at such a vulnerable time, as Tres Triste said, just out of rehab — someone, who as you said, hit all your triggers — must have seemed like the miracle of an oasis to a man dying of thirst in the desert. But it was a mirage.
I did think that it was a love addiction then and I’ve said so, but it’s hard to convince someone that their dreamboat is a pirate ship flying under a false flag with the intention to loot. If Jake’s treatment of his girlfriend is any indication of his character, then he has a very large share, perhaps the lion’s share, in this. You DON’T target vulnerable people. You just DON’T. Maybe it was a lesson that HE needed to learn. And HE could have walked away at any time as well.
And Jake is the stand-in for all the men that have used and abused you. All that pain is coming up to be healed. Hell, the whole damn world’s in a healing crisis, and it’s really frightening and really ugly at times but it’s a chance to go forward in love and sanity. We have been mad people living in an insane society as Fromm said in “The Sane Society” where the “normal” people are the most insane. The Buddhists talk about loving kindness. We all need to go forward and hold that in our hearts.
You’ve awakened. Now you move forward. You said that you had to be pushed to do anything. Well this was Spirit giving you that push in the form of Tres Triste. So MOVE FORWARD. *With permission, Metal Rabbit gives Duncan a hug.*



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