

Misty mornings in paradise.

I harvested the last of the delicious plums as the sun rose, beating the parrots at their own game.

Last night I heard a deer in the garden.  So, at midnight I am chasing the bloody thing all over the property.  We both gave up at about 1.30am and either it fled or hunkered down until it knew for certain that I had gone away.

Regardless, by this morning, there was no sign of the deer or any damage…thank God.  So many critters to keep away from the vegetables.  It seems hardly worth the effort.

My tomato plants are not yielding anything yet.  The little flowers don’t seem to want to fruit.

Yesterday I spent another full day on the land.  Pulling leaves from between the shrubs and filling another big trash can with my efforts.  I now know exactly how and why my grandfather took so much pleasure in his tiny garden in Herne Bay.

The plants seem to know that you care about them and respond.  I can’t explain how.  A gardener, a real one, will understand.

I replanted the squash.  The pumpkins are doing really well.  The beans and grapes too.

My whole body tingled after the exertion.

I found a huge snake lizard, it looked at me.  I looked at it.  We have an understanding.

Robby drove me home from the Piettes, they move out on Monday.  The twins return to their natural habitat:  Hollywood.

We saw Hannah and Lily at The Malibu Stage Company performing their summer camp spectacle.  A mash-up of Cinderella and Frankenstein.  It was really very good, brilliantly written and performed by these eager little kids…some not so little.  The age range must be 7-15.

I complimented the guy who writes for the company not realizing that he hadn’t written it.


Hannah really was excellent.  She takes her acting very seriously and has style and flourish.  Lily who is usually a little weak excelled last night.  A huge performance from a very little girl.  I felt incredibly proud.

Last year Barbra Streisand told Lily what a good singer she was which was a pretty good review I’d say?  Lily thanked her and said, “Mummy that woman told me she used to be a singer.”

As for my writing?  Fuck, writing a novel when the original aim was revenge…when that feeling fades?  What am I left with?  I talked to the editor yesterday about recalibrating the entire thing.  He gave me a lecture about focus….yes.  Thanks.

The problem is, when I am not writing my blog or a film script I am prone to turgid…crap.

Tom is headed over today.  Robby is spending the day with me tomorrow.  Alexis is painting the ceiling.

Hope the tomato plants come to their senses.

The road to the PCH is nearly complete.   26 years after it fell away.  26 years.