
Bad Baby Pic

This is the bad baby that I made in rehab.

7 replies on “Bad Baby Pic”

I think you should take the bad baby out of your vocabulary for good. It represents your pain, your past. In AA they teach you to relive your past over and over again, but at some point we need to let go, forgive and forget. My sponsor and friend Bill calls AA the outfit, for one size fits all. Bill taught me that is the way it had to happen is the is-ness of life it just is. There is nothing to do about it. There are no wrongs, there are no rights, it just is. Unchangeable. I came here to experience life just the way it happened. I used to get upset at him and tell him how is it possible for a child to experience sexual abuse, rejection, and emotional pain. He just repeats the same it just is.
Is what you do with it that is changeable. Perfection is everywhere specially when you look at the mirror. That you can look at yourself in the eyes and tell yourself that you love you for you. That you are perfection and unique. That no one is going to love you if you do not start with yourself. Then the world will follow.

Mmmm, I can’t get my head round the “bad baby” concept atall, all addictive behaviour be it, eating, smoking, drinking, gambling, drugs, following someone around etc., can benefit from a group discussion with like-minded-people, whether going back to your past repeatidly is good, I would say it isn’t.

As I’m a positive thinker, I feel you would be better moving on, as continually thinking about the problem manifests it into your life as something you “should be doing, rather than something you shouldn’t be doing”?

Sorry didn’t intent to lecture!!


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