
Strict Tuition Given

I don’t know anymore if gay men leave notes in toilets and telephone boxes or call to pay for ads in free gay news sheets.  I don’t think so.

I don’t know if men who exchange glances between subway stops or on street corners publish advertisements in the lost and found?

You, eyes.  Me, wearing ripped jeans.  Leicester Square.  North East corner last Saturday night.  We smiled.  You passed by.

I remembered him for years.  Keeping me awake for a decade thinking about those blue eyes.  What happened to him?  Where is he now?

I confided in Ashley that I did not get my first mobile phone until I was 33 years old.

The drawings of the boys I made twenty years ago.  Just so I could see him naked.

The sun crawled up over the ocean this morning casting a pale yellow glow on the walls.  I wrote my blog and started writing the film.  I sat looking at the page.  The empty page.

I started to dream about what these particular men in my film would look like.  Where they lived.  Their world.  I wondered what I would do to these men in their world?  How difficult or comfortable their world would be.  I thought about their past loves, their clothes, what they kept in each and every draw.  I wondered if they still loved each other?  I want to write about love…and for a moment I remembered what it felt like to be in love.  What confidence it gave me.

Go on, I challenge you, look at me.  Look at me!  Fucking LOOK AT ME!

I have been an out gay man for as long as I have walked the streets.  At first, like so many men, I learned to keep my eyes averted for fear of the crushing blow.  That was the beginning of my story.  By my late teens I was looking directly at you.  I was rarely afraid.  Of course, I did not want to be hurt.  Cut.  Hit.  Insulted.  I wanted to walk the streets safely.   Yet, there was no doubt in my mind that I needed to be seen to be gay.  That it was who I am.  To hide who I am would betray who I am.

Do you understand now why I have such disdain for you being the coward that you are?  I loved you, willed you to be true to who you are, cared for you as you revealed all those terrible truths.

The end of a great and passionate love affair.

I sighed after I wrote that.  Sighing a lot recently.

A deep sigh from a long way down.

Even though I have said terrible things about him.  Made public what was private between us…I loved him.  I wanted him to be safe and protected.   Upon his peace of mind, mine depended.  When he sighed my chest heaved.  I could not bear to see him weep except through tears of my own.  And when I could not see him…I worried about him.  When I loved him I could not walk the streets without his walk being safe and sound.

Now look?

What has happened to you? Do I care if you live or die?  In whose strange arms you find yourself tonight?   I tear at my own heart so that it will not beat another beat.

I believe in romantic love.  Love and romance!  One big man protecting another is all I ever wanted.  If I were the big man or you were the big man I wanted to protect or be protected.

Protected from those who still require us to keep our hands to ourselves when in public.  To stay away from young children.   To be afraid to kiss my lover good night for all to see.  Today, in many countries all over the world, men and women together keep this secret.  They wave cautiously at each other before disappearing into the night when all they want to do is kiss each other in plain view for all the world to see.

You have hurt me more than I can begin to tell you.  Even though you will never understand until you have fallen in love with a man and they betray you.  It is nothing you have felt.  Like nothing you will ever want to feel again.

You think that falling out of love with J compares with this?

Those boys out know the ones.  The ones we loathed, the ones who traded any hope of intimacy for meaningless after day after day.  Well, I wanted to protect you from the prying eyes and those mediocre boys.

I didn’t ever want you to get hurt.

I wanted you to eat freshly picked peaches and delight you with a world of wonder.

Now, as if cursed,  you are one of them.  You always were.  I just thought, wanted to believe that you were different.  I was just too blind to see it.  Too deluded to care.

You wanted that?

Jake.  You broke the deal.  You said things!  Unspeakable things.  I warned you never to cross me.  I warned you that you would regret having written those cruel and vicious things to me.

Worst of all, you brought me into a world of bad taste, appalling sofas, laughable art, mediocre ideas and suburban women with bad hair.  I have done my level best to avoid such places.  They can scar the soul!

Bad taste is like throwing acid in my face!

Will we remain locked together?  I don’t want to ever see you again.   I had the best of you.  Just for a moment.  I will remember having the best of you before you became one of them.  There will never be that scene in our movie when the two men forgive each other.  Not for us.

I would rather have nothing at all than just one tiny speck of your ghastly life.

What do we know about men who fall in love and out again?  Who knows that story?  Can you tell it?  Can you tell me about falling in love with another man?  Can you tell me about that great romance you know existed between two men?  I don’t mean fuck buddies.  I don’t mean men who leave notes in telephone boxes.  I don’t mean men who cat call on the street or men who just want to fuck…but men who call out to another man “Hey, don’t forget…I really love you!”

Jake and I had to go through this…this fucking nightmare.  We did!  We will never forget each other.  Rather, he will never forget me.  Ever.  How ever much he tries to drink and smoke and fuck his way into oblivion I will be there like the Devil on his shoulder…just so he never makes those mistakes again.

15 replies on “Strict Tuition Given”

I have to say, reading all of your venting about Jake, you come off like a cyberbully. Maybe as a gay guy I’m just feeling hyper-sensitive to this sort of thing after all of the news reports about gay teens committing suicide, but I just imagine how I was when I first came out, and I wasn’t the most developed, healthy person to be in a relationship with. And if, after my first boyfriend, he’d gone on to post a bunch of things about me, about our time together, in sometimes graphic detail, quoting my text messages/e-mails? Ugh. Would I have been one of those kids that shot himself? Maybe. It would’ve put a stain on the whole coming-out process for me.

Granted, you’re both adults. But exactly. You’re both adults. Shouldn’t we be setting a higher standard for gay kids coming up? You don’t seem to be doing so.

As a gay guy? Well, a gay guy myself I am also sensitive to gays getting bullied. Believe it or not. Which is why the only charity I give money to is The Trevor Project. Have you given money to The Trevor Project Ryan? Cyberbullying is usually done anonymously. What’s more, the kid who killed himself was being spied on by straight room mates who mocked him. I am not bullying Jake. I am exacting revenge. I helped this grown man out of the closet only to have him shit all over me. I am sure that when you came out you were a confused kid…not a sociopathic grown up.

Yes, I do give to the Trevor Project. I think it’s a great program and one I wish I’d known about when I was coming out of the closet myself, from one of those self-same conservative Southern families you mention below.

But whether you want to call it bullying or exacting revenge (really more an argument of semantics than anything, it seems), what you’re doing is coming from a place of anger, which doesn’t seem to be helping you or anyone. It just seems ugly.

I’m not condoning his actions – he sounds like he’s fucked up, as I think most people are when they’re coming out of the closet. But just because what he did was wrong and hurtful to you doesn’t mean that what you’re doing here is in any way right.

Well, as you note. We ARE both adults. And..he knew all about my blog before he met me. He seemed to make very grown up decisions when he was cheating on his GF. Or is that OK? Because he was gay? Is that somehow understandable to you?

There is a huge difference between me and a homophobe. Frankly, this has driven me crazy and I am obsessive. That’s what I write about. Addiction. Obsession.

He could just pay me what he owes me and I would never write about him EVER again.

I think setting a standard for young gay men should be more about talking about our feelings, our responsibilities and that our actions are never without consequence.

Maybe as a gay guy you are just an entitled prick who thinks that gay men can get away with anything just because they are gay?

Dear Robb, I am sure you are quite right but I just write what I feel. And that’s the way I purge and it doesn’t seem to stop you reading about it. I am kinda sick of how the gays side with him. He was fucking other men behind his gf back from the very start. Risking her life. Stealing on a daily basis her opportunity to have a happy life. Why? There was no reason for him to go on deceiving her for so many years. He is not in the deep south with religious, conservative parents. He didn’t come out sooner because he wanted everybody to like him. What is more, used the fact that he was ‘straight’ to seduce silly gay men who find straight men more attractive than gay men. He gets let of the hook by the gays simply because he was a coward? He is a fucking sociopath and rather wonderfully got involved with me.

Dear Duncan, Please let it be known that in my opinion, Jake as a whole is not on the same path, nor even close to the self introspection you have put yourself thru. Your correct in that I continue to read to see if you rise above what is clearly a hard stat. Been there. Am there. I do not condone his actions nor do I give them power. What I DO.. is check into see that when you live a passionate life and risk? is it resolved in small claims court.. 2k? Only you know.


Duncan though it is hard; I can sea that you are now moving into another chapter… This passion that you once felt will never leave you but will help you create the next chapter….

Two people in different places in time and life… love on occasions only flows in one direction… and this is sometimes when we fall harder… deeper and fully. I Hate clichés; yet I use them often… so here is another… ‘you can be in love with someone but this certainly doesn’t mean that they are right for you…’

Your strength, dignity, principle, creativity and above all… calling for good taste… is something that I admire dearly; as there is far to much ‘mediocre’ in this crazy colourful world… people wanting to be someone else; rather than finding themselves and seeing that this is greater… much more interesting… I personally want to live as me; not as someone else… Being me is hard enough work…! You prove that this is possible and worth the effort.

Maintain your colour my friend and please continue to exercise your pain and passions…


One really must proof read items before I post them for others to read… but alas… this is my scatty side and is just me being me… 🙂

Ryan. I am angry. That’s the way it is. Usually people just slink away and lick their wounds. I am really not prepared to do that nor am I prepared to waste any more compassion on him.

I had so much compassion and love for him during those early months of our relationship…when he needed me. It was obvious that he was in a terrible hole. I did everything I could to help him. Always on the other end of the phone. When ever he needed me. Yet I saw that my love for him could never be reciprocated. I attempted on many occasions to separate myself from him but he would call me or text me..knowing that I loved him. Love. as you may know Ryan, has no logic and in a later email (unpublished) you chided me for complaining about lost love and how much it hurts. You know, that is exactly why I write this blog-because we never write our feelings in public. There is still something quite closetty about your and many gay men’s fear of my being so open.

He knew that I had been starved of love for the longest time. His cynical entrapment almost deserves applause. For him now to complain about this blog is beyond my comprehension.

Jake is a selfish, self obsessed monster..and will fit in very well with the tribe of gay men he has identified as his own. In my opinion not all closets were built equally. His was designed for maximum mobility. He came and went as he pleased. It was only after I had convinced him to think of HER that he decided to tell the truth. The only thing that he was unwilling to face was his crippling pride. Not the kind of PRIDE you and I may have celebrated Ryan.

I tried one last time to separate myself from him..with love..after we returned from France. I tried so hard to be fair and kind. The vitriolic, scornful email that I received by return was without doubt the cruelest cut of all. Even though he would later apologize for this email..claiming he hadn’t meant it.. this wound will take a very long time to heal.

Remember Ryan he did not tell his loved ones about his problem..he confided in a blog writing stranger he met after seeing me on TV. He thought I would collude with him whilst he stole his girlfriend’s life…thinking they were to be married whilst he was fucking strangers, having erotic massage, hooking up at the gym and even risked her life by having a relationship with a man who was HIV positive.

I have written from my heart as this drama unfolded. You should contact him if you feel as if you can help him with his closet issues. I would gladly give you his address. I think that you will find little or no comparison between his comfortable closet and your very difficult one.

I know that he has to face his demons. His heart is not entirely leaden. I wish him luck. I am just getting on with life on the internet…good and bad for all to see. I did it before I met him I will do it long after he brings many other men to the same conclusion about him.

You are extremely brave for writing about this, in all its brutal honesty, in such a public forum. Im sure you are helping so many nameless, faceless people out there who read your blog and suffer from the same things that plague you–addiction, obsession, lost love, fear, hurt, rage. I read you daily as hundreds (thousands?) of us do, probably because we have had the same experiences but were unable to express it so eloquently and as freely as you do.

I would never judge anyone for choosing to stay in the closet–teenagers because they fear being ostracized and bullied, people who fear the wrath of god perhaps because they have been brought up brain washed in whatever religion, celebrities for fear they might lose their livelihood, lose the freedom to do the thing they love most, gays in the military etc etc BUT BUT BUT! to live a total and utter lie as Jake did to his fiancee, to lie and sneak and cheat and put her health and life in danger–there is nothing more cowardly, nothing more evil than to do that to another human being you supposedly “love”. And on top of all that vileness, he seeks you out and selfishly takes full advantage of you and your weakness, KNOWING what he was doing to you and to someone with your issues–despicable. (He saw you on Celebrity Rehab, he KNEW you were vulnerable, he KNEW what such a “relationship” could do to you. What a slimy mother fucker.)

I wish it were as easy as wiping dog shit off your shoe, but ultimately thats the only option that may be left to you. Because he really is not much more than that.

You are a hard man –
& a “soft” man, Duncan Roy.
Jake called out both sides.

Dormant passion is a fierce, feral force.

There’s a difference in being in the closet and stringing some poor girl along. Can you imagine how awful she feels? I would feel bad for Jake if he was just someone afraid to come out and Duncan bashed him, but look what that guy was doing to that girl. Playing Russian Roulette with random men could have put both his girlfriend and his boyfriend in danger too…that is pretty sociopathic, don’t y’all think? And he mooched off his boyfriend without thinking of his feelings.

Now I try not to believe in getting revenge, which is why I commented on Little Dog, but nothing else. Y’all have to admit Jake isn’t a bunny tossed to the wolves, or glowing with virtue.

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